Stained Teeth | Dentist in Norfolk NE

68701 dentist

Many people want a smile they can be proud of and one way to achieve a dazzling smile is to have pearly white teeth. However, in order to maintain a bright smile, our 68701 dentist says you should be mindful of the types of things you consume. Because of certain factors, some foods or beverages can create harsh stains on your teeth that over time can be difficult to remove.

When considering foods that can stain teeth, be sure to look out for dark pigments. Some foods or beverages stain teeth because they have an intense amount of pigment molecules that the dentist will call chromogens. These chromogens latch on to dental enamel and cause your teeth to become discolored. 

Another thing to look out for is foods or beverages that are very acidic. Acidic foods and beverages can cause staining by eroding the dental enamel which temporarily softens teeth and makes it easier for chromogens to latch on.

One rule of thumb for determining whether or not what you’re eating will stain your teeth is to determine if it will stain your white table cloth or carpet. Some of the main foods or beverages to consider would include, wine, coffee, cola, berries, sauces (such as soy sauce, curry sauce, or tomato sauce), and sweets. Also another main culprit for staining teeth is smoking or chewing tobacco. 

Even if you consume dark pigmented or acidic foods, just know that there are a variety of options to help you achieve a pearly white smile. One option that can help prevent stains on your teeth would be to brush and floss twice-a-day. To brush more effectively, be sure to ask your dentist about electric toothbrushes. The electric toothbrush gives you the ability to clean your teeth and to help remove any stains or residue more thoroughly. Also be sure to ask your dentist about teeth whitening treatments that can be provided in the office or at home. 

Contact our dental office in Norfolk, NE today for questions or to schedule an appointment.

Family 1st Dental of Norfolk – Taylor Avenue
Phone: (402) 371-6566
2104 Taylor Avenue
Norfolk, NE 68701

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(402) 371-6566

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