The One Piece of Gear Every Athlete Needs | Norfolk NE Dentist

dentist in Norfolk NE

​​An injury to your mouth can be a painful, expensive experience. For athletes, mouth and tooth injuries are a very real risk. Mouth guards are an excellent tool for protecting your mouth from injury and harm. Our team can help you find a solution that protects your teeth while you play. 

Why Wear a Mouth guard? 

Mouth guards protect your teeth. For athletes, injuries to the mouth can cause cracked teeth, or even worse, missing teeth. Additionally, your mouth is mostly made up of soft tissues, such as your tongue, inside cheeks, and lips. These areas can become injured or pierced when playing sports. Mouth guards help defend your mouth and teeth against such injuries.  

Do All Athletes Need a Mouth guard? 

Yes. High-contact sports such as hockey, wrestling, football, and boxing pose the greatest risk for mouth injuries. However, all athletes can benefit from being cautious. Gymnasts should consider wearing one to protect their mouth in the event of a fall. Baseball and basketball players should protect themselves from being injured by a ball or collision with another player. Mouth guards should be treated as a necessary piece of your athletic gear, no matter which sport you play. 

Which Mouth guard Is the Most Effective? 

Our dentist in Norfolk can help you during your next visit to our office. There are many options available, ranging from store-bought to custom-fitted mouth guards. We will work with you to determine which type of mouthguard is best for you. It is important that any guard fits properly.  

If you are currently receiving orthodontic treatment, we may recommend a special type of mouth guard. Braces can puncture your mouth if impacted, particularly during sports. Our team will help you find a solution that works. 

Prevention is the best solution to oral sports injuries. Contact our office and ask about finding a mouthguard that is right for you.  For questions or to schedule an appointment, please contact our Norfolk, NE dental office.

Family 1st Dental of Norfolk – Taylor Avenue
Phone: (402) 371-6566
2104 Taylor Avenue
Norfolk, NE 68701

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(402) 371-6566

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